Courses Taught

Georgetown University, Washington, DC


Data Ethics (co-taught with Maggie Little, Spring 2017) & (sole instructor, Fall 2017)

Climate Change and Global Justice (Spring 2018)

Social Media and Democracy (Spring & Fall 2018)

Ethics in the Digital Age (graduate level course for Georgetown’s Business School, Sp. 2018) & graduate level independent study for the Communications Culture and Technology program Su. 2018)

Political Epistemology (graduate level, Sp. 2020)

Embedding Ethics into the Computer Science Curriculum, Georgetown University (2019-2020)

Teaching ethics within the following undergraduate CS courses: 

  • Advanced Programming (F19 & S20)

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (F19)

  • Data Analytics (F19)

  • Introduction to Algorithms (S20)

Teaching ethics within the following graduate CS courses:

  • Data Analytics (F19)

Embedding Ethics Across the Curriculum, Georgetown University (2017-current)

Embedded Ethics Initiative (2017-2019):

  • Lead ethicist in charge of developing Ethics Lab’s methodology for infusing ethics into courses across the curriculum. I taught modules (1-3x/course within 3-4 courses per semester) within courses ranging from Chemistry and Computer Science to Foreign Service and Policy 

Faculty Affiliate Program (2018-2019):

  • Leading the integration of ethics throughout the semester’s curriculum & final projects: Comparative International Privacy and Surveillance (MS in Communications Culture and Technology, F18); Democracy in the World (MS in the School of Foreign Service, S19)

Fordham University, New York, NY 


  • Philosophy of Human Nature, Fall 2015 (x3), Spring 2016 (x2) and Fall 2016 (x3)

    Introductory metaphysics and epistemology course, drawing on historical and contemporary sources (required for all Fordham students)

  • Philosophical Ethics, Spring 2016 (3000 level course, required for all Fordham students)

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN


  • Introduction to Ethics, Fall 2012 

  • Introduction to Medical Ethics: Writing Intensive, Summer 2011 & Summer 2013

  • Introduction to Philosophy, Spring 2014 & Writing Intensive, Spring 2011

  • General Logic, Fall 2013

 Teaching Assistant

  • Modern Philosophy (upper level course), Spring 2013

  • Environmental Ethics, Summer 2012

  • Introduction to Medical Ethics, Fall 2011

  • Introduction to Ethics, Spring 2010 & Fall 2010


American University, Washington, DC

Teaching Assistant

  • Ethical and Social Issues in Genetics, Spring 2006